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Norfolk Academy has a longstanding partnership with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, one that involves all three divisions.

Students in Lower, Middle, and Upper School routinely volunteer with the Foodbank, providing financial support and assistance in packing and organizing, among a host of other responsibilities. That partnership is growing even stronger. As part of their community engagement, Middle School students are working with the Foodbank to launch a Mobile Market, a truck that will provide food in locations that need it most. This effort will begin over the summer - months when impoverished families often struggle to find meals for children because they're out of school.

Lower School learned during its Chapel on December 11 that they have already contributed to this effort. Younger students recently held a fundraiser that brought in $1,100 for the Foodbank; that money will boost the Mobile Market.

Middle Schoolers will learn in the coming months about food deserts (places that don't have an easily accessible grocery store) and help identify the best spots for the market to park.

Middle School students are working with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore to identify the best spots for the Foodbank's Mobile Market truck to stop over the summer.

Middle School students are working with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore to identify the best spots for the Foodbank's Mobile Market truck to stop over the summer.

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