Lower School students starred in Burroughs Gymnasium on November 26, as they performed the annual Grandparents Day concert for a large crowd of loved ones.
Grandparents Day is a popular Norfolk Academy tradition held on the afternoon before Thanksgiving Break begins. Grandparents are invited to campus, first to hear their grandchildren sing, then to tour classrooms and see the good work they've been doing since the school year began. (Students also performed on November 25 for parents).
The day also serves as a learning opportunity, as Director Becky Peterson teaches students about music and history related to the concert theme. This year's theme: We are the Kids of the USA! As Peterson said in the program, “This theme is close to my heart because it gives me time to think about what is most important: Community."
Songs during the concert helped them understand better the world around them in a fun and creative way.
“It has been a pleasure to teach these Kids of the USA!," Peterson said.