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Norfolk Academy did not hold classes on Monday, January 20, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The holiday is also a national day of service, and students learned in the lead up to the day about Dr. King's calls for service.

Middle School received a call to serve on January 17 by hearing Dr. King's own words. Middle School Director Jeff Boyd recited parts of a sermon Dr. King gave in February 1968, two months before he was assassinated. He said that his wish was not to be known for his impressive, lengthy resume, but rather as someone who loved and served humanity. Mr. Boyd closed the assembly with a message that rings true for all, every day. “Be first in line to help someone," he said.

Middle School led a full day of service that day. First, PAWS for a Cause groups went into the community to continue the projects they've been working on throughout the year. Then, students packed items they donated during the week, along with letters, for Union Mission Ministries, a Norfolk homeless shelter. Students also heard during Chapel from Chris Tan, President and CEO of the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, one of the several PAWS partnerships.

Nonprofit work was not on Tan's radar when he was younger. But he was curious, and over time figured out that his calling was giving back. If you start on a path and discover it's not for you, don't give up, pick a new path, Tan said. Also, don't aim to change the world in one fell swoop.

“Never doubt that little things can create change, if you are open to solving things you did not expect," he said.

Lower and Upper School also received the call to serve in various ways. During Upper School's January 17 Chapel, Derek Melvin '01 talked about how he used his career in New York City to give back by getting involved in the city's public education system and civic associations.

Lower School students heard both at lunch and in classrooms about Dr. King and his commitment to service. During lunch on January 17, they were encouraged to serve on January 20, in any way possible, whether that was writing thank you letters, cleaning up the community, or volunteering in some other way. 

Middle School Director Jeff Boyd leads a Chapel on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., January 17, 2025.

Middle School Director Jeff Boyd leads a Chapel on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., January 17, 2025.

Middle School students pack donations for Union Mission Ministries, January 17, 2025.

Middle School students pack donations for Union Mission Ministries, January 17, 2025.

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