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Bulldogs to the rescue: As they returned to school on Friday, January 24, after two bitterly cold snow days, teacher-coach Kelly Dewey Haynes '04 and Costello '25 noticed a duck in need of help.

They found Grounds Manager Charlie Grizzard, who is also a farmer with a large flock of ducks on his farm. Grizzard took poultry/waterfowl electrolytes he had in his truck and put them in the duck's water, along with straw to keep her comfortable. He called Tidewater Rehabilitation and Environmental Education, a nonprofit that cares for avian species.

This act of service brought a nice reward. As of Monday afternoon, January 27, the duck was eating and interacting with new friends. She had been very sick and was not in the clear, but was doing OK, the rehab center said.

Now if that doesn't make you quack a smile.

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