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Bulldogs Gaining Understanding as New School Year Begins

Norfolk Academy began its Year of Understanding on Tuesday, August 27, as new Bulldogs in the Class of 2036 excitedly patted the bulldog and met new teachers and classmates, while older students burst onto campus eager to start anew.

Buses began rolling in before 8 a.m., and handshakes, hugs, and high-fives came immediately. Head of School Travis Larrabee was in front of the Lower School, leading a large welcoming committee that included division directors, teachers, varsity cheerleaders, and even the Bulldog.

Once 8:15 a.m. arrived, the learning began. Larrabee spoke at the opening Middle School Chapel, briefly discussing definitions and applications of understanding, this year's theme on campus. He also urged students to be present in the moment and take advantage of the experiences they'll enjoy.

“Enter boldly into what you want to do in the year ahead," Larrabee said.

Each year opens with first graders patting the Bulldog for the first time, and shaking hands with the Lower School Director and Head of School before moving on to meet their teachers and classmates and beginning a new year of learning. The Class of 2036 was thrilled to take on this first task, with smiling faces abounding.

Larrabee assured the young students that nerves are normal on the first day; even he gets them. But, he said, they are in the good care of energetic, loving teachers, and surrounded by a Bulldog family that is both loving and large.

“Your extended family as of today officially got a lot bigger," Larrabee said.

Said Lower School Director Michelle Alexander: “We are so excited about the journey we have ahead!"

Next, Larrabee imparted some first day wisdom on Upper School students at their Chapel. He called on them to avoid making decisions based solely on their own assumptions. Be humble, be more curious than certain, engage in conversations with an open mind, and take the time to listen and understand. In doing so, students should build stronger connections and support one another.

“We need to be willing to admit that we don't have all the answers," he said.

With that, students flowed out of Johnson Theater to begin the Year of Understanding!

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