Norfolk Academy is embarking on an exciting project: Construction of the Harvey L. Lindsay Jr. Soccer Complex, which will transform the front practice and competition fields for our Bulldogs and elevate the spectator experience.
While soccer players and fans may already be cheering, others may well be asking: What is the impetus for this project? While our Bulldogs have notched many historic wins over the decades, both fields were below regulation size — too small in both width and length — which limited the ability of our student-athletes to train and compete at the highest level.
The Harvey L. Lindsay Jr. Soccer Complex offers dramatic improvements to the school’s athletic facilities:
- It will create one state-of-the-art soccer field, 110 yards long and 70 yards wide, and a smaller practice field, 110 x 40. When upgraded, the playing surface of both fields will be comparable to professional soccer pitches.
- Both fields will utilize TifTuf Bermuda sod, which withstands high traffic without showing wear and tear, greens up quickly in the spring, and is drought tolerant. The fields will have custom drainage and irrigation systems to keep them in peak playing condition.
- We will add sidewalks to improve access to the fields.
- The seating facilities for spectators will be significantly improved.
The project will unfold in two separate phases; work is beginning this spring on the playing fields themselves so that the Lindsay Fields will be ready for action by the start of the fall soccer season. Spectator seating will be part of the project’s second phase.
Norfolk Academy is profoundly thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Beasley Jr., who have made this major construction project possible. From the moment the Beasleys enrolled their children at the Academy, they supported the school in every way possible. Bobby, a member of the Class of 1970, has been a member of the Alumni Board and active with his reunions, and Franny served in an array of volunteer capacities, from a long-term Cooper Library volunteer to a Field Day Co-chair. She recently completed 15 years of service on the Board of Trustees and served as head of the Education Committee. The complex is named in honor and memory of Franny’s father, whose work as a commercial real estate developer, civic leader, and philanthropist made an enduring impact on Hampton Roads and on our school. The family will be honored during formal dedication ceremonies.
Those on campus have seen the safety fences go up around the fields so that this project can be completed on an expedited schedule. There should be no disruption to school activities or the flow of traffic. Signature summer programs Summer at the Academy and Breakthrough will continue on in full swing.
The Harvey L. Lindsay Jr. Soccer Complex promises to be an important addition to the Academy campus, showcasing the Bulldog soccer programs and, in so doing, highlighting the powerful role both athletics and teacher-coaches play in character development.