Collegiate Athletes
The Academy’s combination of sportsmanship, talented athletes, and hard work result in many competitive triumphs, and we send our share of graduating seniors to play on NCAA Division I, II and III teams.
Alumni and Faculty Collegiate Athletes
Male Collegiate Athletes
- Baseball
- Men's Basketball
- Crew
- Cross Country
- Football
- Swimming and Diving
- Golf
- Lacrosse
- Sailing
- Soccer
- Squash
- Tennis
- Track and field
- Wrestling
Bill Coppedge '69, Princeton University
Toy Savage '71, Princeton University
Pat Baker '73, ODU, College of William & Mary
Chip Jones '74, Randolph-Macon College
Ron Del Duca '76, University of Richmond
Craig Jones '76, Virginia Military Institute
George Kotarides '78, University of Richmond
Eric Acra '84, Washington and Lee University
Chris Dotolo '86, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Wesleyan College
Brian Root '86, Washington and Lee University
Frank Terry '87, The George Washington University
Brian Jenkins '89, The George Washington University, College of William and Mary
Brian Trickler '89, George Mason University
Seth Evans '90, United States Naval Academy
Rob Younce '90, United States Naval Academy, Old Dominion University
Ben Hamlet '95, Old Dominion University
Colston Jones '97, Sewanee: the University of the South
Tommy VanHoose '97, Radford University
Jason Watson '01, Virginia Wesleyan College
Aaron Hurwitz '04, College of William and Mary
Evan Karp '05, Emory University
John Beasley '09, University of Pennsylvania
Chris King '12, Dickinson College
Issiah Nelson '15, Old Dominion University
Michael Parsons '16, Dartmouth College
Brendan Kastner '19, Hamilton College
Julian Franks-Pollock '20, Hampden-Sydney College
Ethan Hennessy '20, Canisius College
Jack Gross '23, Sewanee: the University of the South
Childers Winn '23, Sewanee: the University of the South
Men's Basketball
Dick Stobbs '55, University of Virginia
Hunter Rawlings '62, Haverford College
Bill Coppedge '69, Princeton University
Gray Eubank '69, Old Dominion University
John Lee Graves '80, Washington and Lee University
Jeff Kesser '80, Brown University
Garth Forsyth '83, Bucknell University
Don Clark '85, Hampden-Sydney College
Glenn Youngkin '85, Rice University
Ed Fraim '86, Columbia University
Griff Aldrich '92, Hampden-Sydney College
Seth Eilberg '92, Haverford College Gettysburg College
Jason Porter '93, Sewanee: The University of the South
Matt Ganderson '00, Colby College
Bo Friddell '08, Haverford College
Lewis Affronti '09, Sewanee: The University of the South
DJ Covington '10, Virginia Military Institute
Walt Plumlee '14, Haverford
Shawn Simmons '14, University of Pennsylvania
Cross Country
Ewin Ottinger '55, University of Tennessee
Rob Eaton '72, Vanderbilt University
Jay Everhart '72, Duke University
Jay Sweet '79, Dartmouth College
John Hollowell '81, Hampden-Sydney College
Bert Carpenter '84, The College of William & Mary
Bob Harvey '85, University of Pittsburgh, Christopher Newport University
Mike Gravitt '89, United States Naval Academy
Pat Fernando '93, Davidson College
Biren Roy '97, Princeton University
Zach Lampert, '01, Virginia Tech
Nic Cox '05, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tommy Lyons '07, Hampden-Sydney College
David Rushing '08, George Mason University
David Barrett '09, Hampden-Sydney College
Ian Granger '12, University of Mary Washington
Petey Decker '17, Radford University
Don Kern '57, Virginia Military Institute
George Heilig '61, Hampden-Sydney College
Bill Miller '62, Hampden-Sydney College
Herb Sebren '62, Hampden-Sydney College
John Turner '62, Virginia Military Institute
Wayne Bowman '63, Princeton University
Jay Griffin '68, Bucknell University
Rip Montague '72, Wake Forest University
Chip Jones '74, US Naval Academy, Randolph-Macon College
Craig Jones '76, Virginia Military Institute
Mike Newhall '76, University of Virginia
Bill Devine '79, Washington and Lee University
Greg Glasser '82, College of William & Mary
David Brazier '89, Virginia Military Institute
Guy Beverly '90, Harvard University
Tommy Rueger '93, Washington & Lee University
Matt Holbrooke '94, Washington & Lee University
Damien Taylor '95, Princeton University
Claude Diggs '98, University of Richmond
Mike Ott '01, Tufts University
Zach Costen '06, James Madison University
Peter Alston '08, Washington and Lee University
Tyler Cole '08, Williams College
Reilly Loflin '08, Hampden-Sydney College
Brad Johnson '09, Davidson College
Zach Johnson '09, College of William and Mary
Tevor Mia '09, Sewanee: The University of the South
Eric Gorsline '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Scott Heller '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Hunter Wagnon '13, Dickinson College
Tyler Holmes '14, Columbia University
Trey Moore '14, US Coast Guard Academy
Greg Washington '14, Columbia University
Demetri Boyce '15, UVA - Wise
Zach Bracken '15, University of the South
Nick Lewis '15, Pace University
Allan Parrott '15, University of the South
Matt McKnelly '16, Marist College
David Byler '19, Hampden-Sydney College
Jabril Lewis '19, Hampden-Sydney College
Landon Porter '19, Hampden-Sydney College
Elijah Quamiley '20, Virginia Military Institute
Jacob Saffold '20, Yale University
Max Pollio '21, Kenyon College
Tyler O'Boyle '21, Franklin and Marshall College
Nate DeLorenzo '22, Gettysburg College
James Benedetto '23, Christopher Newport University
Jordan Epps '23, Hampden-Sydney College
Swimming and Diving
Steve Noona '78, University of Virginia
Chris Hope '81, Washington and Lee University
Richard Koch '83, University of Virginia
Jay Leach '85, Denison University
Stephen Shapiro '85, Yale University
Charlie Knoll '88, Yale University
Tom Gill '89, College of William and Mary
Neil Kirk '89, College of William and Mary
Patrick Prutsman '90, College of William and Mary
Corbitt Wright '90, Denison University
Ramsey Azar '91, Emory University
Brett Baker '91, College of William and Mary
Todd Brandt '91, College of William and Mary
Ryan Visser '91, College of William and Mary
John Dobson '92, Widener University
Chris Alder '93, Trinity University
Davis Reed '93, Washington and Lee University
Brad Davey '94, Emory University
Ed Hemphill '94, United States Military Academy
George Kindley '94, University of Miami
John Reed '94, Washington and Lee University
Dan Gulick '95, United States Military Academy
Eston Woodward '98, Old Dominion University
Gary Sharpe '99, University of Virginia
Seth Jacobson '00, Swarthmore College
Philip Conkling '10, Hamilton College
Alex King '10, University of Rochester
Jimmy Leach '10, Old Dominion University
Joe Blackwood '12, Mount Allison University
Ben Leach '12, Old Dominion University
Joe Bedford '14, Yale University
Jack Dickerson '15, Hampden-Sydney College
Austin Ryan '15, University of Pennsylvania
Eric Hope '17, Hampden-Sydney College
Balthazar Denk ‘19, New York University
Spencer Ryan ‘19, Johns Hopkins University
Paul Southern ‘19, Bates College
Mark Southern '21, Bates College
Joey Clarkson '22, Franklin and Marshall College
Clayton Whetstine '22, University of Georgia
Jim Shoemaker '50, University of Virginia
Rufus Parks '73, University of Virginia
Phillip Stedfast '73, Hampden-Sydney College
Samuel McGann '77, Lynchburg College
Jesse Bacon '78, Washington College
John Gibson '78, Hampden-Sydney College
Alex Kiehl '78, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bryant McGann '78, Hampden-Sydney College
Tom Ritter '78, Roanoke College
John Sancilio '78, Washington and Lee University
Avery Evans '79, University of Virginia
Newton Kendrick '79, Washington and Lee University
James Outland '79, Virginia Military Institute
Jeffery Stedfast '79, Hampden-Sydney College
John Wallace '79, Hampden-Sydney College
Benjamin Willis '79, Hampden-Sydney College Virginia Wesleyan College
Fitz McPhaul '80, North Carolina State University
Alfred Randolph '80, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tom Rixey '80, University of Virginia
Tom Raynes '81, Guilford College
Jay Shipowitz '81, Guilford College, UNC Chapel Hill
Christopher Shearin '82, Roanoke College
Walter Stone '82, College of William and Mary
Rich Crawford '83, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Keith Hope '83, Hampden-Sydney College
Paul Zoby '83, Bucknell University
David Hope '84, Virginia Military Institute
Grant Kiehl '84, Virginia Military Institute
Robert Stanton '84, Washington and Lee University
Christopher Wilkinson '84, Hampden-Sydney College
David Clark '85, Hampden-Sydney College
Michael Dekshenieks '85, University of Virginia
Jeffrey Lawson '85, Hampden-Sydney College
Billy Liles '85, Hampden-Sydney College
Mike Moore '85, Hampden-Sydney College
Scott Price '85, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Neill Redfern '85, Washington and Lee University The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Paul Conrad '86, Hampden-Sydney College
Brian Parsons '86, Washington College
John Ryan '86, Dartmouth College
Stock Watson '86, Hampden-Sydney College
Samuel Becker '87, Williams College
Robert Godek '87, Hampden-Sydney College
Andy McCraw '87, Franklin and Marshall College
Jay Standing '87, University of Virginia
Rob Trundle '87, Dartmouth College
Chris Zoby '87, Hampden-Sydney College
Drew Anton '88, Washington and Lee University
David Kovner '88, Duke University
John Meek '88, Hampden-Sydney College
Ken Trinder '89, Franklin and Marshall College
Clayton Jones '90, United States Military Academy|
Tim Price '91, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Joshua Stewart '91, Hampden-Sydney College
Lee Counselman '92, Washington and Lee University
Robert Neff '92, Princeton University
Jared Harrison '93, Lehigh University
Paul Kelley '93, Loyola College
Jason Mclean '93, Randolph-Macon College
Traylor Nunnally '93, Randolph-Macon College
Lucky Petersen '93, Randolph-Macon College
Aaron Hultgren '94, Swarthmore College
Frank Lawrence '94, Yale University
John Wynne '94, Princeton University
Andrew York '94, Hampden-Sydney College
Chamie Burroughs '95, Hampden-Sydney College
Adam MacBeth '95, Swarthmore College
Michael Moro '95, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Sean Murphy '95, College of the Holy Cross
Hannon Wright '95, University of Virginia
McDowell Brown '96, Hampden-Sydney College
Russel Carter '96, Hampden-Sydney College
Jordan Jacobs '96, University of Pennsylvania
Drew McKnight '96, University of Virginia
James Wolcott '96, Lafayette College
Peter Darby '97, Colgate University
Hunter Sims '97, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Michael Toone '97, Radford University
Jason Archbell '98, Hampden-Sydney College
Eric Martin '00, Salisbury University
Brad Wynne '00, Princeton University
Britton Derkac '01, Brown University
Matt Hage '01, United States Naval Academy
Chazz Woodson '01, Brown University
Grant Derkac '02, Brown University
Brendan Toone '02, Randolph-Macon College
Jim Ryan '03, Washington and Lee University
Michael Via '03, Hampden-Sydney College
Eric Carlson '04, Haverford College
Klaus Gaba '04, St. John's University
Phil Hage '04, Hampden-Sydney College
Daniel Lipskis '04, St. Lawrence University
Stephan Lipskis '04, University of Mary Washington
Max Sandler '04, Washington and Lee University
Wade Taylor '04, Dickinson College
Bobby Beasley '06, Hampden-Sydney College
Pierce Derkac '06, Cornell University
Brian Striffler '07, United States Naval Academy
Ben Clarke '08, Hampden-Sydney College
Jack Gibson '08, Hampden-Sydney College
Clark Reed '08, Hampden-Sydney College
Tom Rixey '08, Washington College
Burke Best '09, Hampden-Sydney College
Matthew Freeman '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Eric Gorsline '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Carter Moore '10, Dickinson College
Nate Ott '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Andy Via '10, Washington College
David Simone '11, Hampden-Sydney College
Michael Atkinson '12, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
David Best '12, University of Pennsylvania
Wyatt Devine '12, Washington and Lee University
Will Hoppa '12, United States Merchant Marine Academy
Robbie Berndt '14, Sewanee University of the South
Brac McKee '14, Bucknell University
Marshall Via '14, Hampden-Sydney College
Ryan Wade '14, US Naval Academy
Hunter Windley '14, Hampden-Sydney College
Walker Brown '15, Washington and Lee University
David Lawson '15, Hampden-Sydney College
Parker Marshall '15, Stevens College
Taylor Acra '17, High Point University
Jack-Henry Smith '17, Unversity of Mary Washington
Chase Yager '18, Harvard University, University of Virginia
Antonio Arcona '18, High Point University
Campbell Pozin '18, Christopher Newport University, High Point University
Grayson Ackaway '18, Hampden-Sydney College
Leif Smith '19, Washington and Lee University
Drew Duffy '20, Hampden-Sydney College
Jack Hall '20, Randolph-Macon College
Ben Locke '20, Brown University
River MacMillan '20, Rockhurst University
Max Minder '20, Virginia Military Institute
Jack Elliott '21, Washington and Lee University
Will Inderlied '21, University of Virginia
Ellis Stedfast '21, Rutgers University
Matthew Wetmore '21, Williams College
Ben Lagow '22, Hampden-Sydney College
Paul Devine '71, Washington & Lee University
Pat Devine '74, Hampden-Sydney College
Mark Johnson '74, Hampden-Sydney College
Rick deAlessandrini, Washington & Lee University
Kevin Houley '83, Vanderbilt University
Martin Kerrigan '84, Virginia Wesleyan College
Howie Belvin '85, Randolph-Macon College
Bill Hanckel '88, Elon University
Bryan Reshefsky '91, Vanderbilt University/College of William & Mary
Brad Davey '94, Emory University
Adam MacBeth '95, Swarthmore College
Marcus Stanley '99, Longwood College
Phil Hucles '00, College of William and Mary
Matt Preddy '00, Randolph-Macon College
Will Beasley '03, Hampden-Sydney College
Ian Holder '03, University of Virginia
Oliver Kawwass '03, Princeton University
Wade Cruser '05, Washington and Lee University
Bobby Beasley '06, Hampden-Sydney College
TJ Cyrus '07, University of Virginia
Jefferson Lascara '07, Hampden-Sydney College
Andrew Marr '07, Babson College
Greg Monaco '07, University of Virginia
Chat Ott '08, Elon University
Jordan Cyrus '09, University of Maryland, College Park
Garrick Dawson '10, Roanoke College
Nate Ott '10, Hampden-Sydney College
Devon DuBay '10, George Washington University
Drew Ott '14, Virginia Tech
Brian Higgins '15, Randolph College
Robert Tata '15, University of Mary Washington
Dillon Jacob '16, Pomona College
Mike Horstman '60, United States Military Academy West Point
Skip Burton '61, Virginia Tech
Dubby Wynne '63, Princeton University
Robert Fink '70, Johns Hopkins University
Hunt Harris '71, Hampden-Sydney College
Billy Brock '72, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hank Harris '75, University of Virginia
John Chandler '78, United States Naval Academy
Marc Short '88, Washington & Lee University
Bryan Duquette '96, Hampden-Sydney College
Alan Johnson '96, Virginia Military Institute
Chris Duquette '98, Hampden-Sydney College
Michael Duquette '99, University of Virginia
Michael Roberts '01, Hampden-Sydney College
Scott Baxter '02, University of Maryland
Michael Downing '02, University of Virginia
Eddie Carver '03, Georgetown University
Andrew Downing '04, University of Virginia
Clark Cummings '16, Hampden-Sydney College
Romesh Kahatapitiya '17, United States Naval Academy
Taylor Fox '21, Hampden-Sydney College
Track and field
Wayne Bowman '63, Princeton University
Rob Eaton '72, Vanderbilt University
Jay Everhart '72, Duke University
Ken Lampert '72, Virginia Tech
Jay Sweet '79, Dartmouth College
John Hollowell '81, Hampden-Sydney College
Bert Carpenter '84, The College of William & Mary
Bob Harvey '85, University of Pittsburgh, Christopher Newport University
Meade Dicerson '89
Guy Beverly '90, Harvard University
Matt Quicke '91, Cornell University
Pat Fernando '93, Davidson College
Biren Roy '97, Princeton University
Erik Zwick '97, Rochester Institute of Technology
Ted Lampert '99, Virginia Tech
Marcus Gregg '01, Dartmouth College
Zach Lampert '01, Virginia Tech
Brian Donahue '02, Cornell University
Will Byrd '04, Princeton University
Nic Cox '05, Rochester Institute of Technology
Richard Higham-Kessler '05, Emory University
David Rushing '08, George Mason University
Kris Atterbury '10, Radford University
Dominic Burkett '12, College of William and Mary
Ian Granger '12, Mary Washington College
Patrick Robertson '13, Washington & Lee University
Josh Freeman '14, Princeton University
Grant Wiggins '14, Villanova University
Cal Neikirk '15, Pomona College
Ezekiel Bodrick '17, Morehouse College
Petey Decker '17, Radford University
Cameron Lloyd '19, College of the Holy Cross
Franklin Reid '21, Roanoke College
Bill Cox '60, Virginia Military Institute
John O'Keefe '61, Virginia Military Institute
John Franklin '62, Hampden-Sydney College
Bill Miller '62, Hampden-Sydney College
Marshall Taylor '62, Virginia Military Institute
Newton Miller '64, Old Dominion University
John Donahoe '67, Virginia Military Institute
Robert Fink '70, Johns Hopkins University
Charles Gardner '70, Virginia Military Institute
Ed Fink '71, University of Virginia
Ben Vanderberry '71, Virginia Military Institute
Craig Forbes '73, Virginia Military Institute
Jimmy Flippen '75, Washington and Lee University
Graham Hudgins '75, Washington and Lee University
John Darden '85, University of Virginia
Dan Koch '87
Tim Koch '89, Harvard University
Clay Weisberg '96, Brown University
Dan deLalla '03, Wesleyan University
Zach Weisberg '03, Duke University
Vinny deLalla '07, Wesleyan University
Grant Giordano '07, Wesleyan University
Dustin Runzo '14, Davidson College
Trey Custodio '22, Washington and Lee University
Nolan O'Boyle '23, University of North Carolina
Logan Pausch '23, Cornell College
Female Collegiate Athletes
- Cross Country
- Basketball
- Cheerleading
- Crew
- Equestrian
- Field Hockey
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Lacrosse
- Sailing
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming and Diving
- Tennis
- Track and Field
- Volleyball
Cross Country
Anna Leigh Bamfort '86, Johns Hopkins University
Katherine Lawrence '87, Loyola College
Amy Gravitt '91, Duke University
Ashley Dorroh '93, The College of William & Mary
Rachel Reda McCarthy '94, The College of William & Mary
Kathleen Toone '99, Mary Washington College
Jill Berger '01, University of Virginia
Ashley Hughes '03, Virginia Tech
Ginna Ellis '05, College of William and Mary
Anica Bilisoly '07, University of Virginia
Heather Clagett '11, College of William and Mary
Owen McMillan '11, University of Mary Washington
Mary Peccie '83, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Angel Stanton '90, College of William and Mary
Kendra Robins '97, Emory University
Sarah Michaels '00, Washington and Lee University
Emily Martin '14, Haverford College
Tyler Moore '16, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Michela Jones '21, Haverford College
Grace Taylor Hansen '08, College of William and Mary
Angela Nelson '09, Georgetown University
Kathryn Cook '12, University of Virginia
Caroline Herre '12, University of Virginia
McCall Huston '12, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sarah Nelson '13, Franklin & Marshall
Mary Gusentine '14, Tufts University
Gabby Swan '16, University of Virginia
Madison Kirkman '19, University of Tennessee
Elaina Tenfelde '20, Georgetown University
Field Hockey
Eleanor Ottinger '85, Duke University
Gigi Cooke Tysinger '87, Davidson College
Emily Keogh '89, Wake Forest University
Nicole Abiouness '90, College of William and Mary
Michelle Bass '91, College of William and Mary
Ashley Dorroh '93, College of William and Mary
Elizabeth Enright '97, College of William and Mary
Mason White '98, University of Virginia
Courtney Coalter '99, Sweet Briar College
Jennifer Kawwass '99, Davidson College
Alexandra Rogers '99, Davidson College
Claire Denny '00, Sewanee: The University of the South
Maria Kitchin Moore '00, Sweet Briar College
Kristin Pannenbacker '00, Catawba College
Maria Scanelli '01, College of William and Mary
Christie Kellam '04, University of Virginia
Katie Flippen '05, Washington and Lee University
Erin Leon '08, Colgate University
Amy Nusbaum '08, Sewanee: The University of the South
Canon Hirschler '11, American University
Lydia Nichols '11, Wake Forest University
Riley Tata '13, University of Virginia
Ainsley Gill '14, Duke University
Courtney Byler '15, Davidson College
MacKenzie Somers '16, Haverford College
Adena Gordon '17, Swarthmore College
Greer Gill '18, University of Virginia
Halle Gill '18, Georgetown University
Elizabeth Heckard '18, Stanford University
Riley Fulmer '18, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lily Clarkson '18, University of Pennsylvania
Sydney LeGuillow '19, Hofstra University
Grace Cornbrooks '19, College of William and Mary
Holley Cromwell '19, Dartmouth College
Callie Poole '19, University of Mary Washington
Peyton Tysinger '19, Washington and Lee University
Kate Ruffin '21, Washington and Lee University
Olivia Galiotos '22, Dartmouth College
Rachel Thetford '22, Wake Forest University
Anne Burns Fiveash '23, Washington and Lee University
Ashley Huddleston '23, American University
Lizzie Adams '24, Columbia University
Mack Panko '24, University of Iowa
Gretchen Scott '24, Brown University
Lily Stockwell '24, Middlebury College
Anne Richardson '81, University of Virginia
Mary Via Cuoco '83, Sweet Briar College
Mary Flippen Peccie '83, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Elena Barr Baum '84, Dartmouth College
Stephanie York Warren '96, The Ohio State University
Maria Kitchin Moore '00, Sweet Briar College
Julie Sellers '02, Sweet Briar College
Emily Fitzpatrick '03, Sweet Briar College
Kat Michaels '04, Washington and Lee University
Katie Flippen '05, Washington and Lee University
MacKenzie Shivar '06, Washington and Lee University
Caroline Baker '11, Sweet Briar College
Madison Acra '14, Washington College
Amy Shook '86, Dickinson College
Brigette Magee '87, Denison University
Annie Adams '88, Davidson College
Jennifer Jacobs '91, Skidmore College
Grace Jones '91, Sewanee
Alli Jacobs '94, Colgate University
Erica Blachman '96, Dartmouth College
Carrie Evans '96, The College of William & Mary
Angela Hucles '96, University of Virginia
Katie Rowen '97, Colby College
Lizzy Rice '98, Colby College
Catherine Byrd '01, Princeton University
Mimi Chandler '01, Southern Methodist University
Claire Bryan '03, Sweet Briar College
Rebecca Cohn '03, Washington & Lee University
Paige Harrison '03, Northeastern University
Virginia Hudgins '03, United States Coast Guard Academy
Abby Werner '05, Tufts University
Shannon Smith '06, Amherst College
Shelley Wong '06, Rice University
Peyton Tata '07, Dartmouth College
Joanie Bilms '08, Columbia University
Kendall Bourdon '08, The University of Tampa
Mary Meredith '08, Davidson College
Ariana Speigel '09, Swarthmore College
Elizabeth Affronti '11, Virginia Military Institute
Holley Beasley '11, Washington & Lee University
Dani Johnson '12, Davidson College
Kelley Smith '13, Lynchburg College
Alex Connell '15, University of Virginia
Hannah Antonick '20, University of Richmond/College of Charleston
Meghan Lawrence '20, Davidson College
Sophie Wilson '20, Babson College
Bella Burr '23, Southern Methodist University
Swimming and Diving
Laurie Miller '83, George Mason University
Katie Elder '85, University of Richmond
Sarah Getgood '90, James Madison University
Somer Salomon '92, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Molly Ray '93, Gettysburg College
Barb Josey '94, Hamilton College
Victoria Kubu '94, Hollins University
Bess Frank '95, Princeton University
Cammie Pickett '95, Emory University
Grace Prakalapakorn '95, Duke University
Maya Corneille '96, Duke University
Dana Schaefer '96, Gettysburg Gollege
Alden Burley '01, Clemson University
Carrie Gerloff Yuill '01, College of William and Mary
Virginia Hudgins '03, United States Coast Guard Academy
Mary Conkling '05, Sewanee: The University of the South
Christi Morrissey '05, Harvard University
Megan Meier '06, University of Mary Washington
Erin Talkington '06, University of Pennsylvania
Kim Rich '11, Boston College
Anna Dickinson '15, Liberty University and University of Virginia
Jessie Zahn '15, Sewanee: University of the South
Emme Pike '19, Bates College
Marin McKee '22, University of Kentucky
Kayla Wilson '22, Stanford University
Chloe Swatts '23, College of William & Mary
Chris Mast Winterspoon '78, College of William & Mary
Nancy Clark '99, Mary Washington College
Michelle Grover '99, James Madison University
Caroline Byrd '04, Sweet Briar College
Lauren Downing '05, University of Virginia
Danika Kahatapitiya '16, United States Naval Academy
Lily Hackbirth '19, Virginia Tech
Track and Field
Anna Leigh Bamfort '86, Johns Hopkins University
Amy Gravitt '91, Duke University
Trista Spurrier '92, The College of William & Mary
Ashley Dorroh '93, The College of William & Mary
Kathleen Toone '99, Mary Washington College
Jennifer Byrd '01, Princeton University
Xenia Razinski '01, Boston University
Ashley Hughes Nixon '03, Virginia Tech
Ricky Jones '03, Roanoke College
Virginia Hudgins '03, US Coast Guard Academy
Christine Sargent '07, Cornell University
Anna Blackwood '09, University of Virginia
Michelle Sutherland '09, University of Mary Washington
Khadijah Ameen '10, Emory University
Heather Clagett '11, College of William and Mary
Owen McMillan '11, Universit of Mary Washington
Tyler Bannister '15, Lehigh University
Katie Hall '15, Sewanee: University of the South
Ellie Randolph '15, Princeton University
Marika Livingston '16, Lehigh University
Ellie Vest '16, Virginia Tech
Emma Somers '19, Johns Hopkins University
Sydney Beverly '20, Virginia Tech
Angelina Lancey '23, College of the Holy Cross
Mary Flippen Peccie '83, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Elena Barr Baum '84, Dartmouth College
Hillary Martin '94, Washington and Lee University
Dori Rucker '06, Sweet Briar College
Emma Tennant '11, University of Mary Washington
Elizabeth Gill '14, Sewanee: University of the South
Casey Mahan '16, Hollins University
Reagan McGee '23, University of Tennessee-Martin (Beach Volleyball)
Alden Roberts '23, New York University
Faculty Members
The following Norfolk Academy faculty members competed at the collegiate level.
Eric Acra *- Baseball, Washington & Lee University
Lew Affronti - Track and Field, Duke University
Garrett Bird - Football, Carnegie Mellon University
Chad Byler *- Baseball, Messiah College
Dave Cameron - Lacrosse, Hamilton College
Abbey Carrezola - Softball, Rutgers University
Paul Carrezola - Football, Rutgers University
Emma Chandler - Volleyball, University of Mary Washington
Stephanie Cress *- Softball, Virginia Wesleyan College
Tim Davis - Baseball, Lafayette College
Elaine Denson - Track and Field, East Carolina University
Kevin Denson - Soccer, Virginia Wesleyan College
Michael Duquette *- Tennis, University of Virginia
Tom Etheridge * - Sailing, University of Michigan
Patrick Fernando - Cross Country & Track, Davidson College
Brooke Fox * - Soccer, Colgate University
Olivia Fox - Basketball, Sewanee
Daniel Garbutt - Crew, Princeton University
Hunter Gibson - Golf, Hampden-Sydney College
Jack Gibson – Lacrosse, Hampden-Sydney College
Laura Scimeca Gibson */*- Field Hockey & Softball, Washington College
Megan Hallberg - Basketball, Middlebury College
Sara Henry - Swimming, University of Richmond
Trish Hopkins - Field Hockey & Lacrosse, Longwood College
Graham Hudgins - Wrestling, Washington & Lee University
Tommy Hudgins - Baseball, Washington & Lee University
Jason Kastrounis - Soccer, Calvin College
David Kidd - Tennis, Haverford College
Kristin Kirkman *- Swimming, Old Dominion University
Tim LaVigne* - Baseball, University of Virginia
Landon LoAlbo - Wrestling, Gardner-Webb University
Betsy Looney * - Gymnastics, Pennsylvania State University
Catherine McCallum * - Field Hockey, The College of William & Mary
Blair Weymouth Monaco * - Lacrosse & Soccer, University of Virginia
Greg Monaco * - Soccer, University of Virginia
Caroline Monninger * - Ice Hockey, St. Lawrence University
Steve Monninger * - Football & Lacrosse, Middlebury College
Maria Kitchin Moore */*- Field Hockey & Lacrosse, Sweet Briar College
Courtney Morrall - Swimming, Cornell University
Chris Nelson - Track, University of Massachusetts
Shawn Ott - Lacrosse, Western Maryland College
Nick Rahall - Wrestling, United States Naval Academy
Katie Roberts - Crew, Brock University
Chris Runzo - Wrestling, Virginia Tech
Kim Shamblee - Volleyball, DePauw University
Jennifer Scott - Track and Field, University of New Hampshire
Virginia Scofield - Track and Field, Diving, Soccer, US Coast Guard Academy
Ryan Tucker * - Lacrosse, University of Virginia
Gigi Tysinger *- Field Hockey, Davidson College
Jackson Vaughn - Football, Kalamazoo College
Chris Watson - Football, Washington and Lee University
Mary Werkheiser - Field Hockey & Lacrosse, Lock Haven University
Kim Yager – Track and Field, Auburn University
* - Team Captain