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Valued Voices
Exciting Choices

Pinned CTAs

Middle School
(Grades 7 - 9)

Adolescence: a time to stretch, experiment, and exercise more freedom and decision-making power. Norfolk Academy helps students make the most of it. Strong relationships between our students, teachers, and coaches are at the heart of everything we do. High-energy lessons, collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, flexible learning spaces, and emerging technologies animate our academic programs with a focus on deep learning and creative and critical thinking.


Middle School Students

A Community of Trust

Our Honor System and strong relationships help students strengthen and advance their ethical development and their capacity to make moral decisions.

Our Speech Program

During our daily chapel period, ninth grade students deliver a persuasive speech to the entire Middle School.  


This weeklong program ends the Middle School year with the momentum of innovative, experiential learning.

Grade 7 Curriculum

Grade 8 Curriculum

Grade 9 Curriculum

Fun Facts


2 girls with face paint

Students in grades 7 - 9


3 middle school girls

New students in grades 7 - 9 this year


Teacher talking to students

Middle School faculty members


Coach talking to team

Middle School faculty members who also coach in athletics or arts


open lockers

Student-elected members of the Middle School Honor Council


Middle School girl at podium

Ninth grade speeches to be delivered this year


Middle school students around a YMCA sign

Community service partners


Girl dancers

Middle School students who participate in athletics or arts

A Day In The Middle School

Morning Gatherings

Morning Gatherings

Meeting with friends or teachers before our 8:15 a.m. chapel and the 9th grade speech is a daily tradition.  Whether you are in the Middle School breezeways or outside on the benches or in the pit, we encourage our students to start their mornings with their classmates.


Daily Chapel

We start our academic day as a Middle School community with chapel, a 15 minute morning assembly. The highlight of chapel is the 9th grade speech, a 5-7 minute persuasive speech that each 9th grade student presents to the faculty and the entire Middle School.

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Open Lockers

We trust one another.  We believe that personal integrity is even more important than academic achievement, and our “open lockers” are the most visible reminder of our shared commitment to live honorably.

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Community Service

Community Service

We give of ourselves to others.  All Middle School students participate in year-long grade level service seasons and school-wide “PAWS for Cause” service days with one of our more than 25 community partners. 

Activities BELL

Activities Bell

We inspire one another.  In addition to the daily study hall bell, students have a 45 minute activities bell or “H Bell” each day.  From club meetings to service projects, guest speakers to choral concerts, this bell is teeming with energy.  This flexible time also provides opportunities for students to meet with their faculty advisors, check in with a classroom teacher, or collaborate with classmates on projects or in study groups.

Rotating Schedule

Rotating Schedule

The Middle School maintains an eight bell rotating daily class schedule that begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.  Students attend each of their classes for 45 minutes,  every day.  A typical daily student schedule includes five academic bells, a study hall bell, an activities bell (H Bell) and an Arts/PE bell. 

Family-style LUNCH

Family-Style Lunch

Our family style lunches are a community tradition and a learning opportunity.  Students eat together each day with a faculty member or 9th grade student serving as the table head.  We use round tables that seat a maximum of ten so that conversations happen more naturally, and interactions between students across grade levels occur more frequently. At the end of the 30 minute lunch, students return food, plates, and silverware to the dishroom (read, clean up!), then wipe down and set the tables for the next lunch as part of their responsibility to the larger school community.


Study Hall

We know how much time is involved in our students being fully engaged in the life of the school, so we dedicated a 45-minute academic period for students to put into practice time management skills - getting started on Biology homework, studying for a Latin test, meeting with their Algebra teacher for extra help, or planning ahead for their away game Friday afternoon, which will require them to leave school early to travel. 

Arts and Athletics

Arts & Athletics

When the academic day ends at 3:15, almost no one leaves school.  Instead, more than 95% of our Middle School students head to a practice.  Whether it’s on to the playing fields, the stages, the dance studios, or NATV broadcasting, we want our Middle School students involved and trying new things.  Our intentional teacher-coach model builds cohesion and continuity. Teacher-coaches gain a better understanding of students, and students come to know and appreciate their teachers on multiple levels.  We believe the lessons learned and experiences gained after 3:15 are as impactful as those during the school day.  

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